The Milford Business Association is a group of professionals who oversee the development of Milford’s local BID. A Business Improvement District (BID) is a group of businesses and landlords within a defined boundary. BIDs gains funding through a Targeted Rate, collected by Auckland Council, on all landlords in the defined business district. The purpose of a BID is to have a professionally run executive committee made up of stakeholders (business owners, managers and landlords) that chart the direction they wish to pursue in a strategic plan which can then be executed by the local manager.
The association is registered with the Incorporated Societies as the ‘Milford Village Business Association’ and it’s Certificate of Incorporation is 2104834.
For more information on the Bid Program click on the following links:
Here you can find the current Milford Business Association Newsletter:
Newsletters are sent to all members via EDM at intervals of no less than monthly. Invites to our quarterly get-to-gether’s and AGM or Special meetings are also by this medium.
If you are unsure whether or not your business or buildings are within the BID boundary you can take a look at the map below. Those business within the red area, are automatically eligible to become a part of the BID, if you are not already a member of the association and your business resides in this area, please contact Murray Hill to confirm your membership details.
If you reside outside the Business Association and feel as though your business contributes to the Milford business district you may be eligible to become an Associate Business Member. An associate member is eligible for all the benefits of the business the business association; however a small membership fee is charged to the business, both to be fair to other members and to cover our own costs. A copy of our membership form is here. Fill it out if you are in the BID area or wish to become an Associate Member. Your application will be reviewed by our board and you will be informed on the outcome.
Murray Hill has been working as the Milford Town Centre Manager since November 2011. His role is to ensure that Milford continues to develop both as a vibrant shopping centre as well as a valuable, viable business hub. To achieve this, Murray organizes a variety of promotional activities, events & competitions. His role is to work together with local businesses, organizations and members of the community to build on Milford’s solid foundations creating a strong community we can all be proud to be a part of.
That has been shown in the fantastic work done by MILFORD Rotary who have worked tirelessly with Murray to improve the visual streetscape – painting all the street furniture, maintaining many gardens and assisting with the wonderful planter program that adds colour and a softness to the look and feel of our wonderful Town Centre.
Murray had a pivitol role in the upgrade of the Village Square, the covers on many of the power boxes in the main street and the mural on MILFORD Optomitrists alleyway wall. He has also been responsible for our Christmas decorations including our iconic Santa on his Pirate Ship and the stars that adore New World and Challenge at Christmas. On the events front MILFORD now has 2 unique events embellished into it’s fabric:
Tony Sands Sands & Associates, Director
Deputy Chair
Michaela Longstaff Mikko Shoes, Director
Board Members
Mavis Miller NZRPG Management Ltd (Milford Centre mall), Marketing Executive
Rob Takle Arazzo, Director
Pravin Deo Milford PaperPower/Post Office
Kirstin Curling House of Travel, Director
Fletcher Serailes La Mexicana – Director
Administration: all part-time roles
Murray Hill Town Centre Manger
Ron Sands Treasurer
Heather Sands Secretary
Devonport Takapuna Local Board Representative
Toni van Tonder Chairperson
The board meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10.00am in the boardroom of the Milford Centre Mall. There are 10 meeting per annum – February to November. Contact the BID Manager for more details.
1 July 2023 to 30 June to 2024
BUSINESS PLAN click this link Business Plan 1 Jul23 to 30 July24
BUDGET click this link 2023_24Budget_AGM_Year_MBA.02
Throughout the year we run promotions which are designed to draw customers to Milford. Some past examples of the prizes we have had are; a $2000 travel voucher, an all-expenses paid family getaway, an apple iPad air, mother’s day pamper packs, 3 x $1000 Milford Shopping vouchers, and an Audi A1 for a year. The Milford Business Association provides promotional packs to all of its members, these packs contain all the information a business needs to make the promotion work effectively.
One of the biggest benefits of the BID program is the retail spend data the BID receives. Marketview Ltd capture Eftpos and Credit Card Sales from all businesses around the Auckland region and produce a MONTHLY report that states the sales trends of each business district. This information is critical to good decision making for both individual business and the Business Association itself. This data is available FREE to all members.
The Association also runs a fantastic mentor program through New Zealand Business Mentors. Business owners can secure a highly skilled mentor for a small cost. This gives business owners access to a highly experienced mentor in whatever field that is required, e.g. marketing, finance, business planning.
The Milford Business Association organize and manage MATRIX Security patrols for the streets of the Milford Town Centre at night to ensure that everything is safe and secure, reducing any problems that may occur at these times. This initiative is funded by the association and is a great example of the BID providing services for both business members and the wider community. The security check individual premises on each patrol, ensuring the are locked & secure. This provides an environment where patrons of our evening businesses can feel safe.
The Association usually holds two major events throughout the year as well as Food Truck Thursdays. COVID 19 has put a holt to these at present.
The Association has invested in improvements to the streetscape of Milford and will continues to do so. Below are some examples of past improvements the association has completed.
Revamped the Village Square in conjunction with the local residents association
Installed a major sculpture on the Village Square that is unique to Milford and encapsulates our heritage and surroundings
Annually restrain all wooden council seats in the town centre
Installed bike racks with assistance from Auckland Transport
Removed many parking signs when creating our P30 Zonal Parking System
Bus Hub in Milford Roading
Planter tubs throughout the town centre in conjunction with Milford ROTARY
New hedging around The MILFORD Centre mall again with Milford ROTARY
Feature garden on the corner of Fenwick Ave with Milford ROTARY
Employed a maintenance person to water planters and keep alleyways clean & tidy.
NakedMarketing_MILFORD_MediaKit (1)A comprehensive media program is provided as per the following: